
Monday, 26 July 2010

buat sahabat tercinta

Sahabat ku tersayang
yakin kalo ini jalan terbaik dr semua jalan yang buruk
Yakin kalo lo bs ngelewatinnya. Pasti!
Gw bangga banget sama lo
Gw salut..
Hhhmm nyari calon suami kaya lo dimana ya??
Makasih ya udah ngalahin nafsu dan ego lo buat sahabat tercinta lo ini
Gw yakin lo bakalan dapetin cewe yang sebaik lo juga..
Allah itu adil kok, dia lebih tau mana yg terbaik buat umatnya
Meskipun umatnya suka sotoooyyy..
Inget yaaa yang terbaik menurut lo belum tentu terbaik buat hidup lo..
Dengerin nasehat ibu, dia org tua terbaik yg pernah gw temuin..

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Adults are not really adults

Tonight, she burst into tears.
After she had previously thought that I was not defending her,
she felt I did'nt know this problem.
But actually I was the most person understands this problem without she realizing it.
I was nearly 20 years during which I was in their lives,
and I am also including a mature girl,
I have a level of thought one step further than a friend my age,
how I can not think properly?
Moreover, I see and hear every problem they have created.
How do I know for sure ill?

Friday, 16 July 2010

akbar = tidak mandiri I

Akbar berkali kali bilang sm gue kalo gue harus mandiri kaya sebelum gw kenal akbar..
Gue mulai mikir apakah gue semanja dan seketergantungan itu sama akbar?
Atau apakah dgn nyuruh gue mandiri tanpa akbar, secara ga langsung akbar udah ga pgn ada gue lg & Ga pgn gue repotin lg kan??
Seperti kata romi.. Secara ga langsung dy pengen bebas..

Jadi intinya adalah :

"Mandiri = terbiasa hidup tanpa akbar"