
Tuesday, 27 April 2010


kekecewaan yang gue rasain belakangan,
mungkin kata kata ini cukup menghibur gue pada saat itu (saat dimana gue mulai putus asa) "aku pengen banget nyenengin kamu, sabar ya sayang"
tapi sekarang.. itu cuma kutipan kenangan yang menyakitkan kalo gue inget,
seharusnya gue sadar waktu denger kata kata itu,
bahwa itu tidak
sempet ada keraguan,
tapi gue coba percaya dia..

ternyata hati kecil emg nggak pernah salah.
gue mengharapkan yang nggak seharusnya mungkin..
gue nggak berhak dapet,
apa yang cewek cewek lain dapet

gue nggak nuntut apa apa, gue cuma berusaha memberi yang terbaik untuk orang yang (menurut gue) tebaik dihidup gue

leason to you

"Bersyukurlah karna allah selalu memberi yg terbaik untuk hambanya..
karna semua yg baik dimata kita blm tentu terbaik untuk kita. Sesungguhnya yg paling mengerti kita & kehidupan kita kedepan adalah pencipta kita.."

"lakukanlah yang terbaik untuk orang-orang terbaik dihidupmu :)"

"positif thinking, dan ingat bahwa allah seperti yg kita pikirkan, artinya kl lo percaya allah itu adil & memberi yg terbaik untuk hidup lo, maka itulah yg akan terjadi.. begitu jg sebaliknya"

"setiap masalah adalah proses pendewasaan diri"

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Do you want to jump with me, dear?

He left me shortly after I took the big decision is very difficult ..
when before he was there to share it all with me, shared my tears,
cheer and give strength to me ..
I loved every word and his advice,
I like when he encouraged me when I was vulnerable ..

I liked that he did not want to miss going to tell my story

I'm sure there's something else that is in itself, ourselves perhaps?
I'm not sure what it is, but I can read from each eye and his behavior ..
I have to admit, I miss him ..

now I begin to hate every word and his advice was for me,

in the end I also had to face it all alone is not it?
yeah, he just like walked me to the edge of the abyss, and indeed I have to jump alone, he is unlikely to come jump with me ..

Monday, 5 April 2010


I know, I consciously made a mistake..
a mistake that for some people is a big mistake..
I was stuck in a dependency that makes me difficult to escape ..
and one day if I've managed to break even,
I would destroy something that I wake up with love,
I'll knock down pieces pieces..
and I would cry to see..
This is a very difficult choice ..

Thursday, 1 April 2010

feelling and logic

several times I ignore my feelings ..
until I fell into a deep hole problem ..
which ultimately involves my feelings and logic.
now increasingly difficult choices,
and feelings that have been neglected began to scream ..
prompting more and more supporters of logic,
while I love him more deeply,
and it is difficult to be released