
Saturday 20 June 2009


akan ada beberapa atau bahkan banyak hal yang bakalan berubah di hidup gw saat nanti gw 'menanggalkan' si putih abu abu

contohnya aja
1. gw nggak bisa lagi naik bis sekolah kuning (yang gratis) itu . hha

2. nggak ada lagi tarif 1000 rupiah untuk anak sekolah ketika naik metro/kopaja
3. nggak harus bertarung dengan 06.30 pagi..!!!
4. nggak ada lagi 'masuk colongan' cm krn telat 10 menit
5. nggak akan ada lagi pelajaran EKSAK yang memuakkan..!!!

6. nggak ada lagi yang bawel
guru :'nak pake kerudungnya dong..'
gw : 'iya buu'
guru : 'nah gini kn cantik..'
(hhmmm please ya, psti dialami dgn hampir seluruh siswi di limau)
7. bakalan kangen sama es teh mbak'e yang hanya 1000 rupiah
8. bakalan kangen banget sama LIMAU 3 PLAY GROUP HIGH SCHOOL

my struggle

akhirnya setelah melewati masa masa sangat sulit berkutat dengan asas black, efek tyndal, integral, dimensi ruang, PH larutan, redoks, virus, protista, fungi, dan pelajaran yang memuakkan selama 6 bulan terakhir. gue berhasil LULUS dengan teman teman seperjuangan gue lainnya.
nggak terasa ternyata kegilaan kita karena UAN usai sudah sampai disini.
tapi gue bakalan kangen banget sama masa masa itu :)

Monday 8 June 2009

my escape

thanks for all my best besties.

daichy, thank you sooo my closed friend you my first destination when i in disorder and so confused

eki, white ranger thanks for borrow your money . heheh. thanks for your anxiety and mindfully. i know you adores me. :)

ibu (eki's mommy), thank you so much for your advices and your solicitious about me you really like my ideal mother

prio, black ranger thanks for stood treat me heheh and invite me to your motorcycle club so gratify

wati, my old bestfriend thanks for shared altough my money is lost in there ;(

dyn, my madness pal thanks comforted me, and make me forget about my problem

tyara, my besties thanks for a profound interest my beloved pal who allowed me spend the night for 2 days. heheh. and dinda who loyal listener and accompany spend the night in tyara's home

gayah, thaks you soooo for shared about guy (aldyth) until 3am . hahahah

dinda, my last pleace for escape thanks for your understanding and split up my beloved friend

pinky, my foolish pal thanks for carry me to my final destination

and thaks for you who counseled me :

adhitya radu (ABANG i love you more!!)

dimas fay dunlea

achmad afdhal

especially thanks for GOD my heart abutment who guard against and provide shelter for me during i escape

Monday 1 June 2009

go far away

akhirnya kemarin malem gw pergi juga dari rumah.
ini kabur perdana gw dari rumah.
furthermore they not keen on me! what for again?
maybe its not a big one dispute, but i think i must measures
im not really want do this! but its far too much.
and her expression visible serious.
what must i do, besides follow what her want.
you know what? its very very hurt.
im not really want to make them worry, but i dont know must to do.